Takanoi Sake Brewery’s

Takanoi Sake Brewery’s
4 Commitments

1 蔵人の技とあくなきこだわり イメージ

The brewers’ skill and relentless attention to detail

It is a never-ending trial-and-error in pursuit of sake that brings joy, soothes, and gives you confidence that you’re enjoying the finest.
While staying true to our fundamentals, we will continue our quest to create sake that is fresh and surprising, as well as sake that is nostalgic in its simplicity.

2 原料米の産地こだわりと商品開発 イメージ

Rice producing region Attention to detail and product development

100% of the rice we use is grown in Niigata.
In particular, Denyu embodies the nature of our hometown of Ojiya, only using Koshitanrei rice grown in terraced paddies.

3 雪どけの清らかな仕込み水 イメージ

Pure brewing water from snowmelt

In Ojiya City, located in an area with exceptionally heavy snowfall, the snow gradually melts in the spring, when the harsh winter passes and the area is enveloped in gentle sunshine.
Sake brewed with groundwater coming from the abundant snowmelt has a pure and light flavor.

4 品質向上に向けた設備投資 イメージ

Investing in equipment to improve quality

While staying true to our essence of conveying the rich nature of Ojiya, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of our sake by incorporating new production methods to enhance flavor.